Leadership Meeting 2023

The first day of the conference was opened by Jon Riberas, Executive Chairman of Gonvarri Industries. Francisco J. Riberas, Chairman of the Board of Gestamp, then presented Gestamp's results, prospects and challenges. Josu Calvo, CEO of Gonvarri Industries, presented the financial results and projects in which the company is involved.

Baris Ciftci from the World Steel Association spoke about steel trends, carbon neutrality and its impact on steel trade flows, followed by Carlos Vieira (Gonvarri's Director of Purchasing) and Pedro Velasco (GRI's Supply Chain Director) who spoke about the Green Steel strategy.

The second day started with a presentation on the new roles and functions of technology at Gonvarri by Javier López Galino (Technical Director at Gonvarri), Petr Ševčík (Regional Manager South EU & Kredit), Fredrik Henriksson (Regional Manager GMH Nordic region), Antonio Amengual (Director Road Steel), Christopher Atassi (Director Solar Steel).

Emilio Ros (Deputy General Manager of Hidria) gave a presentation in which he explained Hidria's activities in detail.

Next, guest speaker Arancha Martínez spoke about the projects of her foundation itwillbe.org, and was accompanied by Pilar Cánovas, Director of Lo Que De Verdad Importa, who presented the "Improved Reality" project of the Aladina Foundation, in which Gonvarri is collaborating.

Juan Francisco Chicote, manager of Gonvarri in Valencia, then presented the Health and Safety at Work project (Por ti Por Mi). Juan Llovet (Corporate Communications and Sustainability Director) and Eduardo Fernández (Sustainability Manager) then spoke about the development of the company's carbon neutrality plan.

Finally, Josu Calvo closed the session with a summary of the main ideas that were on display during the two-day convention.