Gonvarri Leadership Program

Head of the Electrical Department at Kredit - producer of warehouse technologies Pavel Goroš participated in the 3rd year of the Gonvarri Leadership Program, with the aim of developing managerial knowledge and skills. 🤝

The program is run by ESCP Business School and has 4 different modules divided into 4 management areas and 4 technical areas.

The content of the program deepens the knowledge of Gonvarri Strategic Planning, Gonvarri & Gonvauto Barcelona, Solar Steel, Gonvarri Material Handling, Arcelor Mittal Plant in Asturias, Gestamp Abrera, H2 Greem & Gonvauto Thuringen and others. Covers a range of management areas including strategic planning, business planning, management leadership, people management...

Participants will manage real strategic projects to put their learning into practice. Working in teams, they will be able to turn a strategic idea into a tangible reality that responds to the challenges and opportunities of today's society and contributes to strategic goals. Project results will be presented to the company's executive committee, demonstrating the effectiveness of building complex solutions by working in high-performing agile teams. We also count on internal company trainers during the SLP to ensure that program participants are prepared to address company needs and share best practices.

On February 28, participants had the opportunity to visit the Prado Museum. During the visit, participants were able to enjoy some of the most famous paintings and dine in the Sala de las Musas.